A new Amateur Radio Service repeater is now in operation in Centre County.
The K3HOT repeater located on Rattlesnake Mountain operates on a frequency of 443.425mhz with a CTCSS of 107.2hz (pl 1B). The repeater is linked fulltime (a simulcast) with the W3ND repeater 145.11 at Harrisburg. This repeater serves as the PEMA auxiliary communications service repeater for the lower Susquehanna valley. The W3ND repeater also serves as the primary Skywarn repeater for a 10 county area.
The fulltime link to State College affords ham operators reliable non-internet based communications between the populous Capitol area of Pennsylvania with the National Weather Service forecast office at State College as well as the Middle Atlantic River Forecast office at State College.
Additional repeater capabilities include an Echolink node K3HOT-R as well as a link to the Network Engineers Repeater Association repeaters (7) covering Baltimore-Washington, Western Maryland and Northern Virginia. Members of the Cactus Intertie and the Disney radio Club will soon be able to access these closed networks through the Rattlesnake facility.
This linked repeater brings the opportunity to connect and communicate with new voices and enhances the public safety/public service capabilities of all area hams.
Technical information:
ERP: 330 watts
HAAT: 931 feet
Receive Sensitivity: .18microvolts
Repeater: Motorola MTR 2000
Antenna: Superstationmaster