Centre County Amateur Radio Operators Participate in SET

Five Centre County amateur radio operators (ARO) participated in the 2017 ARES Simulated Emergency Test (SET).  The AROs were at the following locations:

National Weather Service (NWS) Office at Innovation Park in State College, Carmine, K3CWP.  While there Carmine used the call sign WX3CTP.  This is the State College office Skywarn call.

Simulating the operation of mass care shelters were;

  • N3CRM, Chuck at Park Forest Elementary School in Patton Township
  • KB1BH, Ken at the Undine Fire Company in Bellefonte
  • K3OOL, Craig at the Mount Nittany United Methodist Church in College Township
  • KC3FEZ, Richard at the Penn State HUB Robeson Building on University Park Campus

Weather reports were sent from the simulated shelters to WX3CTP.  Weather was good except for an anomalous pattern that resulted in the report of 4 feet of show and road closings around the Park Forest Elementary School Shelter.

Each shelter sent a status report to WX3CTP who then relayed the messages to N3CRM for insertion into the HF nets to the SEC.

A special thank you to Matt Steinbugl, K3MRS, and Peter Jung of the NWS for making it possible for us to operate the VHF station there.  This is the first time in years that station has been active.

Thanks to the five AROs who took time out of their weekends to participate in putting Centre County in the SET this year.