On Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 the Centre Region and PSU EMA offices will conduct a drill testing the emergency preparedness plans of both groups as noted in the previous article here. Amateur radio has been asked to participate in the event!
Our participation will be to test the ability of Centre County amateur radio operators to establish a communications circuit during a real event. We are asking that amateur radio operators around the County who have the capability, monitor 146.85 during the day and check in when the call is made.
We will ask for your call sign, name, type of operation (fixed, mobile, or handheld), power source, and location. Participation should be short term and no one will be asked to go to any other location although you might be asked to simulate doing something like that.
This event will also be our participation in the annual Simulated Emergency Test (SET).
Any questions please feel free to contact Carmine Prestia, K3CWP at k3cwp@arrl.net or by phone at 814-238-7857.