On December 7, 2024 Centre County ARES/Skywarn operators in cooperation with the State College National Weather Service Office participated in Skywarn Recognition Day 2024. Greg Guise, K3HOT; Dan Tancibok, KB3ESJ, and Elden Wood, KF0JZM staffed the VHF/UHF stations in the NWS office. Carmine Prestia, K3CWP was to operate a portable HF station outside the NWS CTP office. Unforeseen circumstances forced Carmine to operate from his home station. Operations were conducted from 09:00 to 12:00 Local Time on Saturday.The event was very successful. Thirty-three contacts were made on VHF or UHF from twelve different Pennsylvania counties. The HF station made sixteen contacts from fourteen states. Ten of those contacts were with NWS HF stations including KC0NWS a special event station for SRD operating from the NWS regional headquarters in Kansas City, Kansas.
This was the most successful Skywarn Recognition Day in memory. Thanks to Greg, Dan, Elden, and Carmine for their time and the NWS CTP office for their continuing support.