NOAA/NWS possibly up for layoffs

In the administration’s race to cut government NOAA/NWS could be on the chopping block.  See:

I understand that a federal judge may have blocked the actions.  However, this is a matter of public safety that can affect every United States Citizen and visitors to our country.


Amateur Radio Emergency Preparedness Act Reintroduced

U.S. Senators Roger Wicker, R-Miss., and Richard Blumenthal, D- Conn., and Representatives August Pfluger, R-Tex., and Joe Courtney, D-Conn. announced their joint re-introduction of legislation in the Senate and House to restore the right to Amateur Radio operators to install the antennas necessary to serve their communities.

Homeowner association rules often prevent Amateur Radio operators from installing antennas at their homes even though Amateur Radio has proven to be essential in emergencies and natural disasters such as hurricanes when other means of communication fail. Continue reading

Winter Field Day Escapades 2025

After a couple year hiatus I decided to return to our RV in Huntingdon County, PA to participate in Winter Field Day this year.  My plan was to set up a battery powered station with a couple of my portable antennas.  Looking at the rules I operated as ‘1M WPA’ since the RV is on wheels and can be moved if need be.  The effort was successful even if I did not work a lot of stations or qualify for any awards. Continue reading

Skywarn Recognition Day 2024 Report

On December 7, 2024 Centre County ARES/Skywarn operators in cooperation with the State College National Weather Service Office participated in Skywarn Recognition Day 2024.  Greg Guise, K3HOT; Dan Tancibok, KB3ESJ, and Elden Wood, KF0JZM staffed the VHF/UHF stations in the NWS office.  Carmine Prestia, K3CWP was to operate a portable HF station outside the NWS CTP office.  Unforeseen circumstances forced Carmine to operate from his home station.  Operations were conducted from 09:00 to 12:00 Local Time on Saturday. Continue reading

Amateur Radio Operators Assist Unpaved of the Susquehanna Valley Bicycle Race

On Sunday October 13th, 2024 nine amateur radio operators provided communications coordination for the annual Unpaved of the Susquehanna Valley bicycle race.  The race starts and ends in Lewisburg, PA and runs a maximum of 120 miles through the Bald Eagle State Forest.  This year 271 riders participated in the race.  Amateur communications assisted with race administration and several calls relating to injured riders and an ambulance. Continue reading

Western Pennsylvania Skywarn Exercise, October 19,2024

Between 10:00 and 12:00 on Saturday the nineteenth of October, Western Pennsylvania amateur radio operators cooperated with the National Weather Service offices in State College and Pittsburgh to test amateur communications capabilities throughout the ARRL WPA Section.  It turned out to be a very successful drill confirming the ability of the State College NWS office (NWS CTP) to communicate over a wide area, including contact with the Pittsburgh office (NWS PBZ). Continue reading

Amateur Radio and the PATRA Dual Sport Motorcycle Ride 2024

What started as a cold and rainy day on Saturday September 7, 2024 wound up bright and dry(er) but still cold for the Pennsylvania Trail Rider’s Association annual 7 Mountains Dual Sport Motorcycle Ride in the Bald Eagle State Forest.  One hundred eighty five motorcyclists started from the Union County Sportsmen’s Club in Weikert, PA and rode various trails through the forest to the Track and Trail Motorcycle dealership just off Route 322 outside State College.  After lunch, they turned around and rode back to the Sportsmen’s club.  Good communications is vital to the safety and orderly conduct of the ride.  The ride tracks through four different Pennsylvania Counties: Union, Centre, Mifflin, and Snyder. There is NO cell service in the Weikert area and throughout most of the forest, so amateur radio provided all the communications for the ride organizers. Continue reading